Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Dirt Roads and Magic

Hello friends and fans. I realize that I don't share too much of just myself on here and I wanted to give you all some of my story.

My name is Rose. I am from a small small rural Pennsylvania town. I grew up in a loosely populated development with dirt roads, pot holes, and grape vines growing free. My first memories of using a camera were in that small town. Even more of my memories are of my family and our love-hate relationship with the outdoors (which I guess is where my interest in nature mixing with subjects comes in) in that same small town and surrounding areas.

Here you'll see just a few of the cousins with one of our uncles, playing outdoors - as usual. I'm the "tall" one in dark green next to my Uncle Sean in his Irish sweater.  

My first mentors and inspiration were my mother, my aunt/godmother, my little siblings, and my cousins. A naturally musical and artistic family, everyone tended to inspire or envy one another, and my love for photography started this way. I remember seeing my mothers old manual Canon cameras around the house or in the car and was fascinated by the click sound. I remember looking through the lens backwards to see how the shutter operated and how the aperture changed with each movement on the focus and aperture ring. I remember looking though photographs that my Aunt Theresa had taken at a birthday party, of children riding their bikes and blowing bubbles and I was amazed with the clarity. This was also the first time I had ever seen a matte finish on a photograph. I was hooked. It was like a dream to see something so beautiful as that moment become tangible.

A shot taken by my Aunt Theresa of two of her daughters. This image is quite old and is a photo of a photo, BUT the composition is great and the emotion of both girls is genuine and uninterrupted by the photographer. Can you see why she inspired me?

Currently I work with boudoir and wedding clients. Nearly every session is easy to see the beauty in some angle, shot, or point of view, but my passion is finding a moment that no one was planning or considering and making it the star, just like that bike-riding-bubble-blowing moment from my childhood. My clients will often hear me say, "just go about your day" or "I'm not here." Some clients will even think that I actually have left the room and that for me is the best way to shoot. Everything becomes organic, beautiful in its own right, and entirely unforced.

I decided to write this today because I, like many photographers, hate to blog. I feel like I am selling, selling, selling. So, this is more organic - like my style. Hope you like it and me. For more, make sure you are subscribed. You can also find me and tons of good freebies, sneak peeks, and offers on my facebook page:

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